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List your property for rent

What do we need to list your Home or other propertiesd?

1. Send us your info by email. This email will be used as your username when we create an account for you. Let us to know if you want this info be visible when we list your house for sale.

2. Provide a Phone Number (let us to know if you want it to be exposed to public in the listing)

3. Your home address alternatively in addition other contact address.

4. Pictures of your home (1 to 10 images). Images have to be in png, jpeg or gif format or videos in MP4 format.

5. Requested listing peroiod. Default listing for free for homeowbers is 3 months.

Send requested info for listing to

* Our sercvice is 100% free for homeowners for each listing for 3 months. After expiration of 3 months or by homeowner request listing will be removed.

* For agents we list homes for $30 for one month. For unlimited listing for agents we charge $100 annually.